Air Pollution problem in India
According to the World Health Organization air pollution is turning deadly in India.
Kitchen smoke is causing fatal pneumonia. Children below five years are most venerable. Half of such pneumonia deaths in India are attributed to Kitchen smoke which is emitted from solid fuel. 60% homes in southeast Asia rely on such fuel. It affects 700 million people in India. 'Experts say as winter nears, people are more likely to be exposed to heavily-polluted air. They say unless the government takes urgent steps to control, the problem the situation will get worse. Pollution whether indoors or outdoors can cause cancer, heart and chronic pulmonary diseases and children are the worst affected victims. In most parts of northern India that experiences low temperatures cases of bronchial problems are higher and if let untreated can prove fatal. While modern stoves and cleaner fuel could solve the problem these measures are a long way off. Worldwide, around 4 million die every year due to household smoke. |